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Just a Little to say about this weekends U14 boys Games

Just a Little to say about this weekends U14 boys Games

Mark Walker16 Oct 2011 - 16:39
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The new strategy of having two different but equal Timperley U14 teams proved to be a resounding success this weekend. Some parents had misgivings about the changes to the sides, and there were missing players in both squads, meaning neither team had any subs, but our boys rose to the challenge and proved that we have the ability to field two winning sides. The benefit of stretching each player in every match will have the effect of improving both the A and B teams when selection is done on that basis for cup matches. The coaches have taken on a tough job of selecting teams for the friendly matches on a basis of player and team development, please support this brave initiative, even if you do not understand the reasoning behind the selections, and matches are lost as well as won. Providing this less secure environment it is for the good of the players and ultimately the teams put out in competition.
Further reading